The Art of Branding: Insights and Examples from a Branding Expert

Learn from an expert about the power of branding strategies and how they can drive success for your company. Discover successful examples and key insights.

The Art of Branding: Insights and Examples from a Branding Expert

As a branding expert, I have witnessed the power of effective branding strategies in driving a company's success. A well-crafted branding strategy not only establishes a strong brand identity, but also attracts and retains customers. In this article, I will share some examples of successful branding strategies and provide insights on why they work.

Creating Fun and Weirdness: Simple's Brand Strategy

One example of a successful branding strategy is that of Simple, a banking startup. Instead of following the traditional and often mundane approach to banking, Simple decided to create a brand that was fun and quirky.

This helped them stand out in a saturated market and appeal to a younger, tech-savvy audience. Their core message was simple (pun intended): banking should be simple. This message was reflected in everything from their sleek application design to their exceptional customer service. By identifying an unmet need in the market and creating a brand that addressed it, Simple's brand strategy practically solved itself.

Quality over Price: Chipotle's Branding Strategy

Another example of a successful branding strategy is that of Chipotle, which revolutionized the Mexican fast food scene. Instead of competing on price like most fast food restaurants, founder Steve Ells decided to compete on quality.

He saw an opportunity to introduce Americans to a fresher, vegetable-focused form of Mexican food. In addition to their focus on quality, Chipotle also differentiated themselves by promoting themselves as a reliable supplier of high-quality ingredients. They wanted to break away from the typical fast food experience and provide customers with a more elevated dining experience.

Appealing to Universal Desires: Corona's Branding Strategy

Corona, a Mexican brewery, has also successfully utilized branding strategies to establish themselves as the ultimate vacation beer. Their marketing campaigns consistently feature images of blue waters, white sand, and beautiful sunsets. By maintaining brand consistency and appealing to the universal desire for relaxation, Corona has created a loyal audience of customers who associate their products with disconnection, relaxation, and the avoidance of stress.

Defining a Clear Brand Strategy: REI's Success Story

REI, an outdoor retail company, has also seen success through their branding strategy.

They have tailored their brand to appeal to their target demographic and have gained significant attention through social media channels. One key aspect of REI's brand strategy is their focus on storytelling. By creating a clear vision for where they wanted the brand to go in the future, the REI team was able to make specific decisions to achieve this goal. This focus on storytelling has helped them connect with their audience on a deeper level and establish a strong brand identity.

The Importance of People in Branding Strategies: Dollar Shave Club's Example

Dollar Shave Club, a subscription-based razor company, has also utilized branding strategies to achieve success. Their brand is centered around people rather than just the product itself.

In one of their most famous marketing campaigns, founder Mike explains the spirit of the brand in an entertaining and relatable way. This approach has helped Dollar Shave Club stand out in a market dominated by big-name brands. By focusing on people and creating a strong brand personality, they have been able to attract a loyal customer base.

The Difference Between Brand Strategy and Business Strategy

Before we dive into more examples of successful branding strategies, it's important to understand the difference between brand strategy and business strategy. While a business strategy focuses on growing the company and generating profits, a brand strategy is all about how you make people feel. A strong brand strategy can be just as important as the products or services a company offers. In today's competitive market, a strong online brand can make all the difference in attracting and retaining customers.

Developing a Successful Brand Strategy

So how can you develop a successful brand strategy for your own company? Here are some key components to keep in mind:
  • Know your target audience: Understanding your target demographic is crucial in developing a brand strategy that will resonate with them.
  • Be authentic: Consumers today are drawn to brands that are genuine and transparent.

    Make sure your brand's values align with your actions.

  • Tell a story: As we've seen with the examples above, storytelling can be a powerful tool in creating a strong brand identity.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key in establishing a strong brand. Make sure your messaging, visuals, and overall brand experience are consistent across all platforms.


The world's most successful companies have one thing in common: a strong brand strategy. By understanding their target audience, being authentic, and telling a compelling story, these companies have been able to establish themselves as leaders in their respective industries. As an expert in branding strategies, I have seen firsthand the impact they can have on a company's success. By following the examples and insights shared in this article, you too can develop a successful branding strategy for your own company.

Alyssa Petree
Alyssa Petree

General pop culture maven. Professional twitter practitioner. Infuriatingly humble coffee practitioner. Total communicator. Wannabe coffee buff. Certified zombieaholic.